منتدى مدرسة النصر بالعجوزة

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

ما افخر إلا لأهل العلم انهم .. على الهدى لمن استهدى أولاء وقدر كل امرء ما كان يحسنه ..والجاهلون لأهل العلم أعداء ففز بعلم تعش حيا به أبدا .. الناس موتى وأهل العلم أحياء

    اختبار لغة انجليزية- صف سادس


    المساهمات : 13
    تاريخ التسجيل : 23/09/2010

    اختبار لغة انجليزية- صف سادس Empty اختبار لغة انجليزية- صف سادس

    مُساهمة  Admin الإثنين يناير 03, 2011 4:25 am

    Year Six Primary,2010 – First Term
    Language Functions
    1-Finish the following dialogue with the words:
    ( What –Where- When – who )
    Mona : Hi, Magda….(1)…. did you do yesterday ?
    Magda: I went to Luxor.
    Mona: …..(2) …..did you do yesterday.
    Magda: I visited the Temple of Karnak.
    Mona: ……(3)……. Did you go home?
    Magda: At 6 o'clock.
    2-A- Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
    Heba:Why does Mona want to be a vet?
    a-Because she likes to help people.
    b-Because she likes to help animals.
    c-Because she broke her leg.
    B-Ali :………………………………………………………….
    Adel: They can swim and dive.
    a-Where is Hurghada?
    b-Can you swim in Hurghada?
    c-What can people do in Hurghada?
    B- Reading comprehension
    3- Read and match:
    1- How high is the Great Pyramid? a- Yes , I do
    2- When was your sister born ? b-it is red.
    3- What colour is your dress? c- in 1996 .
    d- It's 137 meters high.
    4-do you want like playing football ?
    e- Yes, I did.
    4- Read the following then answer the questions:
    I'm Noha . I live with my family in Cairo. Last summer, we went to Alexandria. Alexandria was colder
    than Cairo. It was 22 degrees. Alexandria has a big port. My father was born there in 1978.
    1- Does Alexandria have a small port?
    2- Where was Noha's father born?
    3- Noha lives in…………..
    a- Alexandria b- Cairo c- airports
    4- Cairo was …………than Alexandria.
    a- colder b- smaller c- hotter
    C- Usage & Writing
    5- choose the correct answer from a, b or c
    1- We study …………..to learn about the ancient Egyptians.
    a- History b- Arabic c- Geography.
    2- You ……………. Throw litters in class.
    a- must b- mustn't c- should
    3- Ali ………… a postcard to his friend , Gamal.
    a- bought b- sent c- made
    4- …………. high is Cairo Tower?
    a- What b- How c- Which
    5- They went …………. Holiday to Ras El Barr.
    a- at b- on c- in
    6- Before you cross the road, you must………… left and right.
    a- see b- go c- look
    6- Look at the following pictures , then write a sentence describing each:
    7- Punctuate the following sentence:
    his father s a doctor in Cairo
    8- Copy the following sentence:
    Wash your hands and brush your teeth after every meal.
    ABCDE ا GHIJ ا

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت أبريل 27, 2024 8:19 am